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Documents Center

Welcome to Landmark Capital's Document Center, your trusted resource for comprehensive information about our regulatory and operational framework. We prioritize transparency and accountability, providing our clients with easy access to essential documents that ensure confidence in our practices. 

Laws and Regulations

Explore the legal standards governing our operations, including local and international financial regulations. This section offers an in-depth look at the legislative framework that guides our activities, ensuring we meet all compliance requirements.

Regulation 33
Custodial activities of securities
Regulation 4-12
Rules on protection of liquidity of customers of persons providing investment services
Regulation 4-07
Requirements on investment services providers’ activities

The above laws and regulations can be found at the following websites:,

Internal Rules and Regulations

Explore the legal standards governing our operations, including local and international financial regulations. This section offers an in-depth look at the legislative framework that guides our activities, ensuring we meet all compliance requirements.

Regulations of the supplier and ethics.

The system of registration and disclosure of information on transactions related to securities․

Regulation of document circulation and information exchange.

Corporate Documents

Access fundamental documents detailing our corporate structure and governance practices. This includes our articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other foundational documents that define the framework and operations of Landmark Capital CJSC.


Charter of the investment company

Registration Certificate

Registration certificate of the investment company

License from Central Bank of RA

License on provision of investment services

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